Moroccan Meatball Stew
Stock (must be made ahead of time):
3-5 duck carcasses
Celery tops
A carrot or 2
Onion peels
Garlic peels
1 small onion
A few cloves garlic
Brown carcasses well in a little oil if necessary. Make sure they are well browned all over. This should take about 10-15 min. do not rush, this is the most import step in making a rich brown stock.
Fill stock pot with water almost to top
Add vegetable waste like skins, rinds, tops, etc.
Cook on very low temps 1-2, 12 hour periods or until liquid is reduced to about half or more.
Drain reserve liquid toss all solids.
Salt to taste.
1 package venison ( you can also mix in sausage here if you want)
1 egg
Red pepper
Fennel seed
Chopped fresh parsley
1 handful Progresso bread crumbs Italian style
3 cloves garlic minced
1 small onion minced or ½ large
Mix very well and form into balls. Set aside.
Stew (you need an over safe pot with lid):
2 medium sized onions chopped, then browned in olive oil. You need to get them nearing burnt.
1/3 pound mushrooms
½ green pepper
4 carrots cut into slices
10 baby artichokes outside leaves removed and tops chopped off and discarded. Take a lot of the outside leaves off, they are to fibrous.
4 celery stalks chopped
Whatever other leafy veggies you have in the crisper like spinach or cabbage.
I large can crushed tomatoes
Enough stock to fill large pot. I make my stock from duck carcasses or whatever bones I have around. You can also buy stock, for this buy beef stock.
Lots of powder spices for this you’ll need Turmeric 1 large table spoons or maybe a little more, ginger tea spoon, cardamom tea spoon, cinnamon 2 tea spoons, and nutmeg 2 tea spoons
Preheat oven to 350. After you brown the onions mix in all the spices and the veggies and fill with stock about 2 inches from top of large pot. Bring to a soft simmer. Once soft simmer is reached add meatballs taking care not to over top pot. Place lid on pot and put in the oven until artichokes are tender about an hour or two.
Serve with herbed couscous, rice, faro, or orzo…