Hi, my name is Joe Navari. I'm 35 years old and live in Sacramento, California. I'm a regular dude who lives to hunt, fish, eat, drink and in general live off the fat of the land in all its forms. This is my blog and I hope someone likes it. I work for a large non-profit conservation organization and do real estate transactions for wetland protection by day. By night, on weekends and sometimes when during the week I try to hunt, fish, and travel or eat something new during every bit of spare time I have. You could call me obsessed with being outside, at the bar, or visiting friends and family. In general I dislike being home alone. Luckily, I'm rarely home alone as I'm married to a wonderful woman who in general supports my obsessions and puts up with my odd hours and the constant transient nature of my being. Monica (my wife) is also an attorney working for a large law firm in Sacramento, which helps to support my train-wreck of a life. I’ve also owned English Setters for the majority of my adult life and currently live with a 13 year old setter named Coltrane or just Trane for short.
I hunt because it is a tradition I grew up with, and because I love to eat, and because I’m an environmentalist who knows where his food comes from. Like many hunters, I know how the natural world works and I have a deep respect for it. Additionally, hunting is an activity that does not take great athletic skill, which I have always been lacking. Hunting also brings together good friends and family over a drink, a pot of chilli, or a long walk in the woods. It fosters understanding through mutual respect for the natural world and in my mind liberalizes one’s outlook on life, politics, and nature.
I feel vegetarians have a false sense of the world and fundamentally flawed ethos when they tell me they are vegetarians for environmental reasons. Most of the time, they are actually vegetarians for human social reasons, which I personally do have empathy for, but don’t follow the beat of the vegetarian drum. These social reasons usually have to do feeding the world’s population, water consumption, and the industrial food complex blah, blah, blah.
Quite the opposite in fact, I’m a gluten for the slow, local food movement. If you killed it, you grew it, you gathered it, or you brewed it I want it and I usually want more….
Nicely put. How one lives one's life is the essence of all wisdom, Well Done, Ol' Winchester!